Cleaning and Maintenance of Cooling Tower Fill
The cooling tower fill is the most important part of the cooling tower, and its cooling efficiency depends on the degree of sufficient contact between the flowing water and the air in the cooling tower PVC fill. The general open cooling tower dissipates heat through cooling tower PVC filling sheets, and the water forms a uniform film on the cooling tower infill to increase the heat exchange area. However, for various kind of cooling towers with a long service life, a thick layer of dirt is formed on the cooling tower filler, many of the cooling tower fillers have been damaged and overlapped together, and water cannot form a film on the surface of the cooling tower filler, which affects heat dissipation and causes the cooling tower not to cool.
When scale or other deposits are exposed to the cooling tower for many years, the adsorption force of the cooling tower fan is very strong, so that a large amount of sediment and dirt enter the cooling tower. Long-term operation will cause the cooling tower to slowly reduce the heat dissipation capacity, and the water distributor will discharge water. The holes are easily blocked, and the sediment and dirt are also easy to enter the cooling water system, which will directly affect the normal refrigeration of the cooling water system. In order to prevent the above situation from happening and minimize the loss, the cooling tower must be cleaned regularly; When the deposits cover the surface of the cooling tower packing, the heat exchange efficiency of the cooling tower will be greatly reduced, the heat dissipation area will be weakened, and the energy consumption will be increased. At the same time, these deposits cover the heat exchange surface, preventing the effective heat exchange of the equipment, and the filler is in a state of high temperature heat load for a long time, which leads to fatigue and reduces the service life of the equipment.
Cleaning and maintenance methods for cooling tower fill:
1. Manually flush the slag falling from the cooling tower;
2. Wash the packing repeatedly with a high-pressure water gun to remove the sludge and dirt during cleaning;
3. Dissolve TNB safe and efficient descaling agent with warm water of about 50℃, and then use the cleaning pump to repeatedly wash the packing. Until the dirt is removed (if the filler has been used for a long time, causing aging and collapse, it is recommended to replace the filler), while adding fungicides and algaecides to completely eliminate microbial algae and bacteria;
4. After confirming that all parts of the equipment are clean and tidy, drain the dirty water;
5. Clean the inside and outside of the packing and tower with clean water;
6. Restore all parts of the system and flush with water;
7. After everything is restored, the employees of Party A should check and receive;
8. Clean the construction site for sanitation.