Types Of Cooling Tower Systems
2019-12-03 14:56
Cooling towers are usually designed for specific purposes. Not all cooling towers work for all applications or industrial processes. Here we help you understand the various types of cooling towers, there advantages/disadvantages and determine which cooling tower type is right for your industrial process. Check out the cooling tower list and parts list that provides an overview of cooling tower types to help you figure out which tower is right for your industrial application and what replacement parts you might need.
Crossflow Cooling Towers Flow Diagram
In crossflow cooling tower systems the water vertically flows through the cooling tower fill media while the air horizontally flows across the falling water. That's why they call it "crossflow" because the air and water cross paths or flows. Because of the crossing of flows, the air doesn't need to pass through the distribution system. This permits the use of hot water flow via gravity and distribution basins on the top of the tower right above the fill media. The basins are a standard of crossflow cooling towers and are applied on all units.
Counterflow Cooling Tower Diagram
Difference between crossflow and counterflow cooling towers: In counterflow cooling tower system processes, the air vertically flows upwards, counter to the water flow in the fill media. Due to the air flowing vertically, it's not possible to use the basin's gravityflow like in crossflow towers. As a substitute, these towers use pressurized spray systems, usually pipe-type, to spray the water on top of the fill media. The pipes and cooling tower nozzles are usually spread farther apart so they will not restrict any air flow.